Tim Moore of Richmondville, NY was selected as the applicant with the “Best New Home” for the 1978 Lincoln Continental featured in our LCOC website Classified Ads promotion. The goal of the current owner, William Green, was to find the best home possible for the vehicle, and he entrusted that task to the LCOC.. The Free-To-A-Good-Home promotion was designed to introduce the new live Classified Ads section of the LCOC website and draw visits to the website and that section. The promotion worked as intended: the traffic to the LCOC website increased by a factor of 5!

There were over 40 applications. Unfortunately, there was only one car. The selection committee culled the applications down to 5 finalists, and then narrowed the field down to 2 top contenders who had phone interviews.   Most of the applications were extremely compelling and the decision process to narrow the submissions down to one winning entry was very difficult. We could have easily and happily awarded a dozen cars if we had them!!

Learn about the new owner and his passion for Lincolns in the upcoming Story of the Month on our home page.


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