Newsletter Lakeshore-201809
Newsletter Northstar-201808
Newsletter Hoosier 2018 q2

Tim Moore of Richmondville, NY was selected as the applicant with the “Best New Home”
Tim Moore of Richmondville, NY was selected as the applicant with the “Best New Home” for the 1978 Lincoln Continental featured in our LCOC website Classified Ads promotion. The goal of the current owner, William Green, was to find the best home possible for the vehicle, and he entrusted that task to the LCOC.
Tim became hooked on Lincolns as a teen while mowing lawns for a local businessman, Richard Falzarano, in a small town in upstate New York. After Tim’s work was done each week, Richard would give him a ride home in his 1978 Lincoln Continental sedan. It was gray with light blue interior, and riding in it made Tim feel like a million bucks. While he hoped to one day own one, he had to settle for a 1972 Buick Electra as his first car. However, that vehicle allowed him to appreciate American iron from an era where luxury and performance had an entirely different meaning than it has in most cars driven today.
Tim’s love of Lincolns continued to grow over time. Earlier this year he built a new 10-car building that his family affectionately calls the “Garage Mahal.” Once it was completed, he finally had the type of shop/garage he dreamed about for years. It enabled him to purchase his first classic, a 1967 Lincoln Continental convertible in Spanish Moss with a Dark Ivy Gold interior. It has given him great pleasure to give the car the attention it deserves, and he plans to repaint it during the winter. For him, the car is not only an engineering marvel, but also a work of art.
That venture has also brought a surprising benefit: Tim’s 23 year old son, Nick, has been bitten by the Lincoln bug, too. They have spent quite a few hours working on the ’67 which his son admires “because it’s so classy and well built.” He now loves attending shows with Tim and is making plans to have their current Lincoln in two parades next year. Because it seems as though many young people do not have much interest for older cars, Tim feels fortunate that his son has found a passion that provides such a positive influence on him. He is excited about the prospect of them having two Lincolns in shows next year.
The Moores are delighted to provide a home for the 1978 Lincoln. It will have a place of honor in the Garage Mahal. Having the tools and expertise to handle most repairs and preservation, they will immediately undertake a complete servicing: replacing all fluids; checking out/rebuilding the carburetor; draining and cleaning the gas tank; changing the filters; changing the valve cover gaskets and others as needed; and assessing the underside of the car.
Tim is very familiar with this particular car model, and believes that the 82,000 mile engine and the “bullet-proof” C-6 transmission should be okay for the short term. Tim’s basic plan is to make this car a beautiful, fully-functioning original. He believes that the original condition of this car is worth maintaining. He plans to take the car to shows, use it in several upcoming family weddings, and just drive and show the world what original American Iron really is like.
Although intrigued by those who specialize in customization, Tim cannot find any justification for taking wonderful original cars and significantly changing them. Tim shares, “Owning older cars allows me and others to step back to a different place and time when driving meant something very special. It would not be responsible to take that away from future generations by altering cars.” William Green’s 1978 Lincoln Continental has definitely found a terrific home with Tim Moore and his son that insures its legacy will be shared for years to come.