The 2018 Lincoln Homecoming is History

The 2018 Lincoln Homecoming is History

The 2018 Lincoln Homecoming is history.  This year’s event celebrated was hosted by the Lincoln-Zephyr Club, which celebrated its 50th anniversary with a special three-say tour to northern Indiana prior to the annual Homecoming weekend at Hickory Corners.

Participation at the Homecoming was down, in part, because no special tour or events were planned at Hickory Corners this year.

We did, however, have an enjoyable time—one attendee described it as “a large picnic with your car friends.”  A good description.

There was a fine turn-out of Lincoln-Zephyrs and Continentals.  Watch for a photo of them lined up in front of the Lincoln museum. Friday afternoon, a VIP reception was held in the Lincoln museum for those individuals who have donated $5,000 or more.  Each individual received a custom-designed pin that will be presented to all donors at the $5,000 or higher level.  Note: individuals who did not attend will receive their in the mails shortly.

The highlight of the weekend was the Saturday evening dinner, held for the first time at the Gilmore Car Museum conference center.

Following dinner, there was an impromptu fund raiser that brought in more than $41,000 for the museum’s endowment fund.

A big “thank you” to all who worked to make this year’s Homecoming so enjoyable.

A more complete report will appear in the next issue of the Lincoln Link, as well as in Lincoln club publications.

Best wishes—
David Schultz
LMCF chairman

Lincoln Zephyr Owner’s Club celebrated its 50th

Lincoln Zephyr Owner’s Club celebrated its 50th

Posting Contributed by Pam Avedisian

The Lincoln Zephyr Owner’s Club celebrated its 50th anniversary at the beginning of August in the Midwest. Tom and Joan Brunner led a small but enthusiastic group on a three-day tour of the South Bend/Auburn area of Indiana, where we enjoyed visits through Amish country, along the Lincoln Highway to the Studebaker Museum, the J.D. Oliver mansion and the National Automotive and Truck (NATMUS) and Early Ford V-8 Museums, culminating with the Founders’ dinner at the Auburn-Cord-Duesenberg (ACD) Museum. We stayed in Elkhart, which from 1906 to 1934 was home to no fewer than 25 automobile manufacturers. The group sends their grateful thanks to Tom and Joan who spent many hours organizing and executing these tours.

The celebration concluded with the 5th annual Lincoln homecoming at Hickory Corners, Michigan, where the sun shined bright for the People’s Choice car show on Saturday. A great time was had by the approximately 100 people in attendance.

Photos from the Studebaker Museum: the actual barouche which Abraham Lincoln rode in to the Ford Theatre on the night of April 14, 1865; and Ed Avedisian in an early 50s Studebaker, like the one he previously owned.

Our visit to Amish country included a visit to the barn of a man who, together with his son, crafts buggies and coffins. Carolyn Henderson, Allen McWade, Rob Zarnosky, Kirsten Hickman, Ron and Eleanor Schneider and Ken Walaszek listen intently.

The Early V-8 included this Mobilgas tow truck and a worker taking a nap. The Mercury custom done in the 60s at the NATMUS and the Cords at the ACD Museum were real favorites.

And last, but not least, a beautiful line-up of 1940s in front of the Lincoln Heritage Museum, including Ed Avedisian’s 1941 Zephyr.

Western National Meet in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Western National Meet in Albuquerque, New Mexico

The upcoming Western National Meet in Albuquerque, New Mexico looks to be an exciting change of pace. Besides the usual car show and attendant events, the October 18-21 weekend will feature visits to the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History and the Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum, a scenic ride on the Sandia Peak Tramway, and opportunities for delicious regional cuisine. The area also boasts antique shops, a range of exciting art galleries with both contemporary and Southwestern art, and scenic vistas that will take your breath away.

For info, go to the Upcoming Events section of our home page and click on the meet box.

Be sure to register for the meet and its events soon. Our hotel block will be held until Wednesday, Sept. 19, so hurry and make your reservations.

An Overview of the Veit Museum

An Overview of the Veit Museum

The Friday tour at the Mid America Meet was to the Veit Museum located in Wright County, North of Buffalo and West of Monticello — sort of in the middle of nowhere. Veit’s is off the beaten path, located on 500 acres of heavily wooded land. It features a long drive on a narrow road nestled in the trees. The museum is centered around hot rods, some vintage Chevrolets and a lot of eye catching stuff, like gas pumps, signs and other very interesting things to catch one’s fancy.

Bob Roth did an admirable job of planning the tour and getting everyone there without any fuss or bother. The long, picturesque drive winds over a narrow, paved road, and up a long hill. Along the drive and in the woods are a number of old vehicles, parked just off the road. They look like they may be sleeping, but they are very slowly rusting away, awaiting nature to reclaim her precious metals once again.

The Veit Museum is a unique collection, showing off the special interests of the Veit family. There are presently several buildings just jam-packed with fascinating things. In the main building, there is a lot of automobile memorabilia spread throughout. Gas pumps and various types of illuminated signs are hung from the ceiling and mounted on the walls. There are also a number of “hot rods” on display, most of which are from the 1930s and 1940s, and lots of General Motors stuff, including a number of Corvettes, and a few other cars. Among them is an interesting custom 1957 Chevrolet featuring 2 doors on the passenger’s side and a single door on the driver’s side. It is a car that, for a custom, is very well done and nicely finished in all respects. One of my favorite cars in the collection is a 1949 Oldsmobile Super Eighty-Eight. A gray two-door fast back sedan, it is a car even a Lincoln collector might like to have in the garage.

In another building on-site there is a very well-equipped shop with a heavy duty lift installed. On the lift sits a very classy looking Duesenberg dual cowl four-door phaeton, absolutely perfect in all respects. I think that it may be a 1932 model; I looked at the period license plate, but I just can’t remember the exact date. I would expect this car to do very well at any of the national venues that it entered. People have told me that Duesenbergs are not particularly the easiest cars to drive, but this very impressive automobile would make a statement wherever driven or trailer-ed. Even just parked, it is a wonderful sight to behold and a true work of art.            

The Veits are constructing a new building to make room for more acquisitions and to spread out their existing collection, making it more accessible to the visiting public. It was hoped that it would have been finished for our visit, but various delays have pushed back the completion date for another six to eight months.

On the Veit property, close to the museum, there is an outdoor pavilion. It is in a shaded area and covered, so the direct rays of the summertime sun do not penetrate. Additionally, there are large fans installed to create a nice breeze. This provides a great place for a picnic lunch and another chance for car enthusiasts to visit, refresh some old friendships, and make a few new ones. In many respects, this is really what our fine club is all about today. The Lincolns bring us together, and the social aspects are the proverbial icing on the cake.




The first tour of the Mid-America Meet was a trip to see Morrie’s Automotive Collection in Long Lake. Morrie has one of the largest and best collections of automobiles in the Midwest, bar none.

 We traveled over a somewhat circuitous route, designed by Roger Wothe, to provide the best opportunity to keep most of the caravan together during our journey. There was a mix of both old and new Lincolns on the tour, along with a few other brands. Roger thoughtfully made up some “arrow signs” which he and his long suffering wife, Barb, displayed at key points, making sure no one lost their way.

Arriving at Morries, we were warmly greeted by their friendly and very knowledgeable staff who were quick to provide answers to whatever questions our members had regarding any of some 360 interesting cars in the collection. This was a somewhat eclectic grouping of vehicles, ranging in age from the early 1900s all the way to some manufactured in the past decade. There was literally something for everyone. Most all of the U.S. automobile firms were represented there, along with some of the foreign companies. The bulk of the collection ranges from the 1930s through the 1960s. For those who like the classics, there were the easily remembered favored three: Cord, Auburn and Duesenberg. Cord was particularly well represented with a number of these classic, supercharged, front wheel drive cars on display. The Cord, which reached its highpoint in the mid-thirties, featured styling of a timeless nature and still looks beautiful today. Will we be able to say that about today’s Honda and Nissan cars in eighty years? Time will tell, but most of us, deep down in our hearts, already know the answer.

Morrie’s was not just about beautiful cars; they also had a lot of other very interesting stuff under their extremely large roof. Festooning the walls were large dealer signs and other types of advertising extolling the virtues of the various manufacturers finest offerings. Gas pumps of all types, shapes, and sizes were scattered throughout the collection. Very ornate and most beautiful in design, they are in no way related to what you might find when you stop by Costco where you insert your Visa card and fill the tank yourself. It was a real treat to look at one of these fine examples from yesteryear and muse about what life must have been like in the 1930s—genuinely a different time and a different place. Unlike a lot of other collections, guests at Morrie’s could get right up close to the cars and other items on display. In most cases, you could fully circle the vehicles and look right in the windows to satisfy your curiosity. Visitors were asked not to open any doors, trunks or hoods which, as owners of older cars, we fully understood. All of the cars in the collection are fully operational. Every one receives regular service and when fitted with a fully charged battery, can be started up and driven. Keeping so many vehicles in this condition is truly amazing and a real tribute to the dedication of the owner, Morrie Wagener, and his highly qualified staff.