Lincoln Motor Car Museum 2025 Homecoming

SAVE THE DATE!  The Lincoln Motor Car Museum 2025 Homecoming will take place August 6 – 10, 2025 in Hickory Corners, Michigan.  More information will be coming soon.

Ford Product Development Center (PDC) Truck and Car Show

Ford Product Development Center (PDC) Truck and Car Show

The staff of the annual Ford Product Development Center (PDC) Truck and Car Show is pleased to announce its addition to the calendar of official events celebrating the Company’s 100th Anniversary of Lincoln!  The Lincoln Anniversary Team would like to invite all Lincoln owners to this exciting show, the only Company-sponsored, internal event of its kind.  The PDC Show is unique in that it emphasizes the product development aspect of the participant vehicles and includes a wide variety of models of many makes and types.  Company staff and management from all areas of product development attend to learn, and draw inspiration from, the heritage, features, and lessons associated with the field of vehicles on display.

The grounds in Dearborn cover nearly a half mile of Rotunda Drive along the PDC Staff Buildings’ lawn frontage.  All Lincolns – as all vehicle classes in the event – will be parked in a single area (includes Lincoln entries normally distributed between Pre-War Cars, Post-War Non-Ford FoMoCo-Branded Cars, and Trucks).  The PDC Show is comprised of vehicles owned by collectors and museums from throughout the United States and Canada (and occasionally from other countries, as well).

We are extending the invitation for Lincoln owners until May 31, 2022.  Details below:

When:  Friday, July 15, 2022 
Where: Product Development Center, 20000 Rotunda Drive (for GPS purposes), Dearborn, Michigan 


Feature Cars (To Be Identified) Setup at 5:00am to 6:30am

–      General Arrivals from 6:30am to 8:30am (sharp)

–      Executive Tour at 11:30am (approximately)

–      Participant Raffle at 12:30pm (approximately)

–      Lockdown ends 1:15pm (approximately)

–      Most vehicles leave by 3:30pm (estimate) 


–          Complementary calendar of each vehicle in isolation (via photo station; photos taken by WHQ Archive photographers)

–          Pre-printed owner card

–          Dash plaque

–          Automatic entry in participant raffle (one chance per each participating vehicle)

–          Lunch for low purchase price

–          Trailer parking

–          On-site clean portable toilets and washing stations

–          On-site security

–          Separate dedicated lane on Rotunda Drive for entry to the show grounds

–          Others to be announced 

Vehicle requirement

–          Complete vehicles in presentable to concours condition to fulfill the primary goal of education and inspiration

–          Representative historical example of the model

–          Preferably in factory appearance, though not mandatory

–          Owners can nominate and, upon confirmation, participate with multiple vehicles 

Instructions for registration:

–          Simply send the following information, along with any questions, via email (DGLICKM1@FORD.COM) for each desired entry: 

o   Name

o   Mailing Address (kept confidentially)

o   Phone (kept confidentially)

o   Year

o   Make

o   Model

o   Any significant fact or equipment (optional)

o   One front picture minimum reflecting current appearance of vehicle 

–          Show staff will send confirmation within a week of receipt

–          Owner replies to complete the confirmation process

Thank you in advance for your interest in joining Ford Motor Company’s 100th Anniversary of Lincoln celebration at PDC Dearborn!