LCOC presented Tim with a plaque and a framed Board resolution lauding his contributions during his 35 years as editor.
Tim Howley was the editor of Lincoln & Continental Comments since 1982, producing more than half of the Comments issues in the 64 year history of the club! He was recently named Editor Emeritus, giving him the freedom to continue contributing his talents and experience for our reading pleasure. On March 18th, the LCOC National Board, represented by Glenn Kramer and Stacy Roscoe, honored Tim and his wife, LaVonne, with a luncheon and a small awards ceremony.
Glenn and Stacy took the opportunity to thank Tim on behalf of the club and enjoyed listening as Tim recounted some of his experiences as both editor and advertising copy writer at several national ad agencies. Tim conceived and created many long remembered TV, radio and print ads for such clients as Pacific Southwest Airlines (PSA), Mother’s Cookies and Canon Cameras. His career in advertising and editing has been memorable and long lasting.
The ceremony and lunch continued for well over two hours, and after final good-byes, Glenn and Stacy agreed that this enjoyable day of shared stories was fascinating and more importantly, that LCOC is most fortunate to continue having Tim and LaVonne on our team.