2021 Lincoln Homecoming will Feature Two Car Shows, Tour and Symphony
The eighth annual Lincoln Homecoming in August 2021 will feature two different car shows. The first will be a virtual Lincoln car show, which will extend from now through July 28. It will have its own People’s Choice awards by decade, voted on by all persons registered for the virtual car show.
The second event will be in person—the annual Homecoming at the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum in Hickory Corners, Michigan on August 12 – 15. The Homecoming will also have People’s Choice awards, by decade.
All Lincolns registered for the virtual car show will also be registered for the in-person car show for the $25 price; in effect, one registration for two car shows. (Complete details on the virtual car show appear below.)
The theme of the 2021 Homecoming is “Marks Through the Ages,” which will recognize all Lincoln Continental Marks, from the first in 1940 to the Mark VIII. Although Continental Marks will be the feature in 2021, Lincolns from all eras are welcome. Four major Lincoln clubs will be represented–the Lincoln Owners Club, Lincoln-Zephyr Owners Club, Road Race Lincoln Register and Lincoln and Continental Owners Club. However, one need not be a member of those Lincoln clubs to display a car at the annual Lincoln Homecoming or participate in the virtual car show.
The 2021 Lincoln Homecoming weekend event will include a countryside tour and luncheon, dinners, an auction and car show. The 2021 Lincoln Homecoming is being hosted by the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum; Homecoming Co-Chairs are Dennis Garrett and Bob Johnson. in the virtual car show.
Most activities take place outside, to address any ongoing concerns about the COVID virus. For attendees’ own benefit as well as to protect others attending the annual meet we strongly encourage attendees to have received vaccinations, maintain social distancing and, of course, wear a mask.
We’re all aware that Covid 19 remains a serious problem; a number of car events have been cancelled or delayed. At this stage, we are continuing to plan for this year’s Homecoming Meet. We will, of course, continue to monitor recommendations and requirements from Michigan Health Department authorities and certainly, if necessary, will cancel our event in response to unfolding events.
Although we hope this will not be necessary, attendees’ health and wellbeing are our primary consideration in making such decisions. Should the event be cancelled or if you decide not to come because you or someone in your family becomes infected with Covid 19 within a three-week period prior to August 12, 2021 you may notify the Homecoming registrar to cancel your reservations and receive a full refund of any amount paid to attend the event.
Here’s a quick look at the weekend plans.
Most participants will arrive on Thursday. That evening will be on your own. Enjoy one of the Kalamazoo areas restaurants with your friends.
On Friday, there’ll be a motoring tour. It will travel beautiful western Michigan back roads to Fenn Valley Vineyards in the beautiful Lake Michigan Shore Wine Region. There, participants can park their Classic Lincolns and enjoy a tour of the winery and vineyards, wine-tasting and a delicious luncheon. Cost is $30 per person. (Afterwards, participants may wish to visit nearby Saugatuck and its unique shopping district.) At 5 p.m. there’ll be a “cocktail” parts and special presentation at the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum followed by dinner “under the stars” (big tent) adjacent to the museum. The traditional auction of Lincoln parts, literature and memorabilia will be held that evening. Funds raised will benefit the LMCF Endowment Fund.
The big day will be Saturday—a display of all Lincolns adjacent to the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum. Cars will be arranged according to era. That evening, dinner will again be served under the stars. Car show awards will be presented after dinner. Cost for dinner is $50 per person. Following dinner, attendees may attend a special performance of the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra on the grounds of the Gilmore Car Museum featuring trumpeter Winton Marsalis. Cost for the symphony is $30 per person. Seats are limited.
On Sunday the weekend fun will continue with a display of all Lincolns on the grounds adjacent to the Lincoln museum. Included in the activities will be a parade of Lincolns on the Gilmore Car Museum grounds.
A professional photographer will be on the museum grounds on Saturday morning to take photographs of individual Lincolns by appointment. Complete details are included in the registration forms.
The host hotel in Kalamazoo is the Four Points Sheraton by Kalamazoo, 3600 E. Cork St., Kalamazoo, MI 49001. This hotel offers excellent accommodations, dining, and amenities. The hotel is about 15 miles south of Hickory Corners. A complimentary hot breakfast for two is included in the room rate of $120 plus tax. For room reservations call 1-269-385-3922; use the code “Lincoln Club” to receive the special room rate. Room reservation cut-off is July 12, 2021. (Note: the special room rate is good for three days prior to and after the meet at the Four Points Sheraton.)
Detailed information on the 2021 Homecoming, including a complete daily itinerary and registration form is available on the LMCF web site www.LincolnCarMuseum.org. Information will also be published in Lincoln club magazines and on club websites. For more information contact Bob Johnson at arborbob41@aol.com or 651-257-1715.
About the Virtual Car Show…
Entering a car in the virtual car show is easy. All you need to do is log on to https://vlmcmhomecomingmeet.cornerstonereg.com/ you may register for only the virtual car show if you cannot attend the 2021 Homecoming in August.
You’ll find tutorials that will guide you through the process.
- How to register your car
- How to update your car’s information and upload photos
- How to “attend” the virtual event and view photo
In preparation, you’ll need photographs of your car. In addition to posting photos you’ll also be asked to supply a description of your car—up to 200 words. You can visit the virtual car show now and see what other Lincoln owners have posted to give you some ideas.
Once the $25 registration fee has been paid for the virtual car show there’s no need to pay the fee again when you register for the live show—the 2021 Homecoming. One fee covers both events. Participants may enter as many cars as they like for the virtual car show (and for the live show) for the $25 per car fee.

More Early Days of the Western Region
By Bob Lawton, San Gabriel, California
Published in 3rd Quarter 1994 issue of Continental Comments (Issue # 199)
Recently a fellow member, knowing that I had joined LCOC back in 1955, asked me if the Club was as enjoyable and interesting when the only eligible cars were 1940 through 1948 Lincoln Continentals. We were interrupted before I could answer him, but I got to thinking about his question later. I guess I would say, “Yes, but in a more informal way and on a much smaller scale.”
LCOC was, from the beginning, a unique kind of animal. It was made up of a very small number of people who, like myself, were not restorers of classic automobiles, but just ordinary people who happened to have fallen in love with one particular model of one make of car simply because it was so beautiful. Many other people who felt the same way never became members for the simple reason that there were so few Lincoln Continentals to be had. Remember, we’re talking about a car whose annual production was, for the most part, less than a thousand units per body style.
We had to have our own club. No one else would have us! The only other clubs around at the time were the Lincoln Owners Club and the Classic Car Club. The former were the ones who collected and restored Lincoln K, KA & KB cars, and who believed that Edsel Ford had made a pact with the devil by bringing out the Lincoln-Zephyr and its upscale relative, the Lincoln Continental, both of which had that HV-12 engine. The Classic Car Club was populated by guys in alpaca sweaters and wearing Rolex watches who had garages full of Duesenbergs, Pierce-Arrows, Packards, etc. Our Lincoln Continentals were technically accepted as Classics by the CCCA, but I can attest from personal experience that if you attended one of their functions someone would probably ask if you were one of the caterers. Our only real support came from the Ford Motor Company, God Bless ‘em.
LCOC members in those days tended, as I recall, to be more blue-collar than whitecollar. Most of us were in no great shape financially. I believe that when I bought my 1948 Lincoln Continental Coupe I had just gotten a raise to the magnificent sum of $350 a month! Rarely did anyone own more than one Lincoln Continental. One was hard enough to find and support. For the most part we did our own mechanical work, or found a good independent mechanic with the knowledge and willingness to work on the car. (Lincoln mechanics would run and hide if you took your V-12 to your local Lincoln dealer for service.)
National Meets were pretty much like what we have today, although smaller in scale. During the rest of the year we took
drives to places like Apple Valley for lunch, or maybe just a picnic in a local park where everyone brought their own food and beer and we just sat around and talked about our beloved Lincoln Continentals.
A lot of us drove our Lincoln Continentals regularly. For a number of years mine was the only car I owned. (Two-car families
in the Fifties mostly lived in Beverly Hills or Brentwood, and they didn’t drive old Lincolns to work).
It may come as a surprise to many of today’s members, but engine conversions were quite common back then. We even
gave trophies for the best engine conversions, and I know personally of one Lincoln Continental that won a Ford Trophy with a flathead Ford V-8 under its hood!
If you were one of thee ones who drove his Lincoln Continental a lot an engine conversion was a real blessing. When I
bought my 1948 Coupe from a Lincoln dealer in early 1955 the engine had just been converted to a 1954 Lincoln V-8, that 205 horsepower beauty that was running away with everything at the Mexican Road Races. After blowing low gear a couple of times I had a Cadillac Dual-Range Hydramatic installed. We retained the original shift lever and did not install a quadrant. So inside the cabin there was no indication that any changes had been made. The car looked absolutely original from outside but drove like a new Lincoln. When a joint National Meet was held in Colorado Springs for all Regions, my car just sailed up those steep curving roads in the rarified atmosphere of the Rockies, while a lot of twelves were gasping for lack of air (and torque.)
Of course, we never foresaw an LCOC the size and scope that we have today. For a number of years we wouldn’t even allow a Mark II to join us. (Of course, when a $10,000 Mark II was new, its owner had no interest in membership in a club like ours. His club was more likely to be the Bel-Air Country Club.)
It’s been 35 years or more since those days, and now the LCOC is mature, dignified and has about 4,000 members who own
everything from Leland Lincolns to new Town Cars. The Lawtons now have a 1977 Continental Mark V and a 1987 Town Car. But we still get the same thrill when we see perfectly restored Lincolns of any vintage! Long live the LCOC.

Tom McCahill Tests The 1953 Lincoln
From Mechanix Illustrated – March 1953
Republished in 3rd Quarter 1994 issue of Continental Comments (Issue # 199)
But how about the ‘53 jobs that cleaned up the stock sedan division of the 1,900-mile Mexican road race by finishing 1-2-3-4? For my devaluated dollar this car, that looks much the same as the all-new ‘52, can now be crowned the Grand Champion of them all. For many years, I have rated the Cadillac as America’s number one car for several reasons. First, for the amazing way it held its resale value; second, because aside from spongy roadability it was a better automobile all around than any other car made on these shores, especially in its reliable and hot engine. Today I rate the Lincoln head and shoulders over Cadillac in every department except resale value and even this margin should shrink as soon as these new Lincolns get to be better known.
Let’s list all the 1953 Lincoln features first and work from there. The Lincoln is far ahead of any immediate American competitor in roadability and cornering. This is one of the reasons why it made such an outstanding record in Mexico. More important, its top handling properties make it by far the safest car in its price class. Until now we have rated the Hudson Hornet as the finest and safest handling American car, but the Hudson must share honors with Lincoln. In the performance department, the Lincoln is outstanding.
The AAA officially timed this wagon out in Utah at 115.8 mph. for a two-way average and at 114.2 mph. for 100 miles. As I wasn’t at these trials, I have no way of knowing whether the car ran with air cleaners, or or an altered vacuum spark advance, or whether it was retimed to compensate for the late time of a vacuum advance unit at open throttle. In such a case, the timing would not be as specified by the manufacturer for the showroom stock Lincoln. I do feel, however, that the 1953 Lincoln as delivered at Sea Level will not go 115 mph. 110 to 112 seems to be about par for the course, but this still makes it America’s fastest car at this writing. As we go to press, I have not tested the new 210 hp. 1953 Caddie, but I will make book the Lincoln will take it. Back to the Salt Lake test for a moment. The great Utah salt flats, where many automobile records have been hung up, do not always give a true picture of an automobile’s real potential. In fact, all cars will run faster on the salt flats. Most professional speed merchants have been aware for some time that altitude plays a major part in high-speed records. The salt flats are approximately 4,800 feet above sea level and in this hangs a tale.

As a very rough calculation, it is fairly safe to state that any American car which can do a solid 100 mph. on the salt flats will be lucky to pass 95 at sea level. This in a way accounts for some of the strange records we have questioned in the past regarding high altitude speed runs. For example, Bill France drove a Nash Ambassador in the 1950 Mexican road race for many miles at a faster average speed than the car could go for one mile in New York. He privately attributed this to the fact that the car was running at around 5,000 feet of altitude much of the time.
Of course, in this sort of calculation, you reach a point where altitude works against speed, in a very rare atmosphere such as you find at, say, 10,000 feet, your carburetor mixture is thrown way out of kilter and the engine runs much too rich due to the decreased amount of oxygen. Oxygen is the only part of air that burns in an engine and a gallon of air contains only 21% oxygen. Naturally, as the oxygen thins out due to less density of the air, it reaches a point where it doesn’t contain enough moxie to rev up an unloaded engine to peak rpms. so that, despite reduced air resistance, speed falls off. Most qualified engine men agree that for top speed in an automobile 3,500 to 5,200 feet altitude will produce greater speed. Beyond 5,200 feet, speed falls off very fast, unless you use higher compression heads and make carburetor adjustments. So much for salt flat records. Now back to the 1953 Lincoln as you buy it.
Lincoln also has a brand new four barrel carburetor that’s a beaut, thanks to their able, long-time ignition and carburetor chief, George Nastas. This job, unlike some of their competitors’, is a single-float gismo that shows no sign of loading and starving, all at the same time, on hard turns. The engine has been boosted from last year’s 160 horsepower to 205 and the torque has been upped to 305 foot pounds from 284. The exhaust system has been improved. Part of the real boost on the same 317-cubic inch ‘52 block can be attributed to the increase of the valve size and valve lift and the jump in compression ratio. The valve area in ‘52 was 1.74inches per valve, in ‘53 it is 1.98 inches. The valve lift in ‘52 was .3375 inches and this year it is .3545. This naturally assures much better and deeper breathing. The compression ratio has been hopped to 8 to 1 from 7.5 to 1.
I tested several Lincolns with regular steering and found them outstandingly responsive. Then I whirled one around with power steering. You can keep power steering. I don’t want any part of it. I got a bad impression of Lincoln’s power steering when an eager beaver engineering assistant wheeled one out for a test. He came up to us like a ball of fire, cut the wheel hard and, so help me, I thought he was going to roll the automobile. This really able road car, under the pressure of his exaggerated cut, mushed like a balloon in a down draft—and I was very unimpressed. Later, when I buzzed this rig into a hard turn on the proving ground at speeds close to 90, the power steering felt very feathery compared to the solid feel I got with the other Lincolns.
The power brakes on these cars are swell and there was little trace of fade on the hardest stops. In the looks department this year’s Lincoln is very similar to last year’s offering with a few chrome rearrangements. If you happen to be in the market for a Lincoln, try and see one without the ten buck hood ornament first. I think it looks a thousand dollars better without the gee-gaw and you save a sawbuck to boot. At this writing you can order them either way. As for comfort— here again the Lincoln shines. From the driver’s seat you get a slight ski-slide look, similar to the Mark VII Jag, that is great for visibility. The seats are chair high, similar to Chrysler’s, but without the high roof line. The body is five inches narrower than the 1952 Cadillac which is a real feature, especially in view of the fact that the Lincoln has only two inches less seat width. This makes the Lincoln feel much handier in traffic, which it is. All the interior lines, including the instrument panel, are clean and have that good looking functional quality. The back seat is also comfortable, as it should be in this luxury item. This year there are five models, all on a wheelbase of 123 inches: the Capri four-door sedan, hardtop and convertible and the Cosmopolitan four door sedan and sport coupe.
Some of my more ancient readers may remember when Henry I advertised that you “can buy a Ford in any color, so long as it’s black.” This year, the 50th Anniversary of the Ford Motor Company, you can get your new Lincoln in any one of 13 basic colors and 30 (count ’em 30) two-tone color combinations, along with a fairly dazzling selection of upholstery fabrics which include leather, nylon, broadcloth, tweed and something called frieze. The doors also have a new two position check mechanism featuring a halfway stop to hold them open when you dismount into one of those skinny 1953-type garages.
In summing up, the Lincoln is a high priced car giving high-priced performance. As of now I haven’t tested the 1953 Cadillac or 1953 big Chrysler. On what I have seen to date I can honestly state that the 1953 Lincoln is America’s finest automobile.
0 to 30 mph., 4.42 second
0 to 50 mph., 9.7 seconds
0 to 60 mph., 12.61 seconds
0 to 70 mph., 17.6 second
Top speed, 110-112 mph.