To Place A Classified Ad in Continental Comments

For information about ads for cars or parts in Continental Comments, please contact Carol Mattix, telephone 469.314-1736, mailing address: 109 Crestwood Dr., Rockwall, Texas 75087. As a matter of policy, online ads or advertising on the LCOC website are not offered by the Lincoln & Continental Owner’s Club.

Value of Your Car

As a matter of policy, we are unable to provide information about the value of vehicles. The price that one person is willing to pay for a particular car may be much higher or much lower than the price from another potential buyer. Also, the physical condition of the vehicle is extremely important, and is a significant factor in determining value; but more importantly, it is the opinion of the prospective buyer and the prospective seller concerning the physical condition of the vehicle that will determine value, rather than the opinion(s) of a third party.

For more information about the ranges of value for some, but not all Lincoln’s and Continentals, you should refer to Hemming’s Motor News, Old Cars, or similar publications.

To Order Manuals or Other Publications

All orders for LCOC project items and authenticity manuals should be directed to Charlie Blais, PO Box 5632, Manchester, NH 03108; telephone number 603.666.4995. Please contact Mr. Blais for further information.

Technical Services

For information about specific issues concerning Lincolns and Continentals, please contact one of the members of the Technical Services Committee. You will find the names, address, and phone numbers for the members listed in your copy of the annual Directory for the Lincoln & Continental Owner’s Club.

As a matter of policy, and at the request of the members of the Technical Services Committee, no communication through the website to the members is available.

Overdue Mailings

The LCOC utilizes a staggered method of mailing its periodicals, so that the items in a single issue (whether it is the magazine, or the Directory) are mailed over several/many days. The staggered list is rotated so that the members in the group on the bottom of the list whose periodicals are mailed last, move to the top, and so forth.

Currently, the group that contains the mailing labels for most of the officers of the LCOC is at the bottom, and they have not received their copies of the latest “Continental Comments”.

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